A bit about you

    First Name or Nickname *

    Age (years)

    Gender *

    Location *

    Phone *

    Email *

    About your procedure / treatment

    Procedure(s) / Treatment(s) *

    Summary *

    Please tell us about your experience

    What motivated you to consider your procedure/treatment? *

    Upload pre-operative photos of you here to help others see what your main concerns were

    Why did you choose Rtw Skin? *

    Upload pre-operative photos of you here to help others see why you decided to have your procedure / treatment with Rtw Skin.

    How did you find your pre-surgical experience? *

    Upload pre-operative photos of you here to help others see how your pre-surgical or treatment experience went, and what you encountered.

    How was your experience during surgery/treatment? *

    Upload operative photos of you here so that others can get a clear picture of what a similar procedure or treatment will be like.

    Has it been worth it? *

    Upload post-operative photos of you here so that others can see how your final results turned out and what your final thoughts are following your procedure / treatment.

    Just one more question

    If you have provided us with your own photographs above, may we use them for our own purposes? *

    Finally, do you have a nice profile photo we could use for your story?