Don’t sweat it: Living with Hyperhidrosis.

Don’t sweat it: Living with Hyperhidrosis.

By Emily Ruse,  Deputy Registered Manager

The fear of sweating too much at the wrong moment, or while wearing the wrong outfit is a very real thing. But where do you draw the line between normal and excessive sweating? Sweating may be a natural, necessary function which we all experience but hyperhidrosis, aka excess sweating, is more common than you may think.


Our bodies contain anywhere from two to five million sweat glands, with a higher density in the underarms, palms, soles and face. When your body overheats, your nervous system stimulates your sweat glands to produce fluid (sweat) which cools your body down – an important process which regulates your body temperature. However, for some of us, this occurs more than needed – whether it’s summer, winter, hot or cold.


There are two types of Hyperhidrosis: Primary and secondary. Primary hyperhidrosis is caused by an overactive sympathetic nervous system. Anxiety or excitement can aggravate the symptoms which can often result in a frustrating cycle – when you become nervous about sweating which then triggers the sweating and so on. This type of hyperhidrosis can occur at any given time, during any season of the year, no matter whether the person is warm or cold. Secondary Hyperhidrosis, however, usually develops due to certain medications, pregnancy, thyroid issues or low blood sugar levels.


If you are suffering from Hyperhidrosis, you are certainly not alone. Around 30% of the UK population is battling this condition (and they’re just the people who haven’t been too embarrassed to seek help). But, unfortunately living in an air-conditioned bubble isn’t an option so the good news is, there are treatments out there which can help.


Try to reduce your caffeine intake and spices as these foods can activate neurotransmitters, called acetylcholine which can stimulate your sweat glands. Additionally, try wearing loose, stain resistant and breathable clothes – and if your feet are especially sweaty try silver-lined socks and absorbent insoles.

It’s important to be aware that some medications can lead to increased sweating such as steroids, antidepressants, nicotinamide (Vitamin B3) and opioids so always consult a medical professional before taking if you are suffering from excessive sweating. A prescription-strength antiperspirant such as those containing aluminium chloride can also help if applied when sweating is minimal.






If all else fails, there are medical solutions. Our practitioners will be happy to discuss the various medical treatments which are available to successfully banish excessive sweating for up to a year in many cases.


Book a no-obligation consultation to discuss Hyperhidrosis Treatment

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