Breast Health Check in Tunbridge Wells Kent

Consult with leading Breast Specialist Doctors & gain peace of mind and sound understanding with services that best suit your needs.

Breast Health Check at Royal Tunbridge Wells Skin Clinic

Throughout your journey with rtwskin, Miss Naseem will provide with a bespoke, high-quality experience. This service seeks to reassure patients presenting with any breast queries they may have.

What to expect

When you arrive at the clinic, you will be greeted by our friendly reception staff and be asked to fill in a brief questionnaire whilst you relax in the waiting room. From here, you will receive 45 minutes of undivided attention and one-on-one time with an experienced breast consultant. There are no intermediaries in this service; Miss Naseem works with her clients directly. This builds a confident relationship between patient and doctor.

The consultation covers three key aspects of breast assessment: getting to know the patient, breast examination, advice & a management plan. You will be taught the correct way to examine breasts, supplemented by information leaflets. Following the appointment, you will receive a letter that outlines the details consultation.

Cultural understanding

Patients of ethnic groups have highlighted that they felt very comfortable being seen by Miss Naseem. Her cultural and religious understanding and great communication skills helps patients feel physically and mentally relaxed – they are willing to travel long distances to be consulted by her. Miss Naseem is highly considerate and goes the extra mile for her patients; even providing all female staff when requested.

Services Offered

  • Breast advice for all ages
  • Advice on HRT and breast monitoring
  • Risk factors / lifestyle advice
  • Breast pain
  • Breast lump
  • Breast examination including between screening mammograms
  • Benign breast disease

Miss Naseem’s clinic is for you if the following worries you:

  • “Am I wearing the right bra?”
  • “Is my lifestyle predisposing me to breast cancer risk?”
  • “My breast is uncomfortable – but feels different now?”
  • “My nipples are flat / inverted, is it something to worry about?”
  • “My nipples occasionally feel moist or wet, is it normal?”
  • “My menstrual cycle is irregular – should I be worries about my breasts?”
  • “My mammogram is not until I’m 50 – can I have an early breast check?”
  • “What can happen to my breasts if I go on HRT?”
  • “My breasts are asymmetric. Can anything be done about it?”
  • “My large breasts give me neck & shoulder pain, what are the options?”